, pub-6794000729485556, DIRECT,, pub-6794000729485556, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE CHISLEHURST MURDER MYSTERY: CHISLEHURST MURDERS PART 35


HOLMES SHERLOCK MURDERS Now who sent you? Asked Holmes whilst stooping to retrieve the papers that had been roughly scattered around the room. Some of them were his copies of fingerprints. Fools. He thought inwardly. These were merely a decoy. His secret vault held the originals. Well come on speak up boys. He raised his voice impatiently. It was just a bloke in the street Sir. He didn't give his name just said that you was away and to take all your paperwork. Said he'd give us some money later when... the boy faltered he'd let slip there was no way out of it now. When what? Asked Holmes raising a brow. When we meet him Sir. The boy sighed. At Blackfriars. Please don't tell him I told you he was a scary man. Threatened us both didn't he Harry? The other youth nodded his long pale face woeful so much so that Holmes felt pity. Drink your tea and have no fear young man from now on you may work for me. Thats if you want to? You shall be my eyes and ears on the streets. The boy's both looked surprised and uplifted. Thank you Sir I'd be most grateful so would Harry. Wouldn't you Harry. Harry nodded grinning. He don't talk much Sir. But we are grateful. Your most welcome young man but first I must have your sworn loyalty. They agreed. When are you to meet this man? Seven tonight near the bridge. Said he'd find us. Good said Holmes then we must not disappoint Him you shall go along as planned with these dummy papers. Don't be afraid I will be close by. Holmes felt triumphant in the fact he'd narrowed down the suspects for somewhere in his collection of fingerprints was the perpetrators of these terrible murders.

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