, pub-6794000729485556, DIRECT,, pub-6794000729485556, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE CHISLEHURST MURDER MYSTERY: CHISLEHURST MURDERS PART 34


HOLMES SHERLOCK MURDERS The carriage sped on towards London whilst Holmes allowed himself a meditation snooze being far too excited to sleep had he heard correctly. He pondered. He held the key of immortality in his hand. Stuff and nonsense of course. But who would want it certainly not He. This torturous drudge of a life had to end. One couldn't imagine living forever unless it was Heaven. The dagger must e hidden but first he would dust it for fingerprints to compare with his vast catalogue which he'd collected over the years. They reached baker street and was greeted by the worried and waving housekeeper Her appearance was distraught as he stepped out to approach her. Mr Holmes some men pushed past me. She cried. They're still upstairs. He hurried up and caught them still ransacking his room. There was broken glass and papers everywhere. Halt. He commanded. They looked like common street urchins youngsters wearing ragged clothes. Two of them wide eyed and terrified having been caught in the act. One of them having a very shifty looking face tried to flee barging past Holmes with a stack of paperwork in his grubby fisted hands.Your going know where boy. Boomed Holmes with a strict headmaster voice that made the lad tremble. He grabbed him by the ear until the boy yelled with pain. The other boy dared not move for fear of the same. Holmes closed the door. Now sit down. He ordered. We shall be civilized and have some tea. Then you can tell me who sent you.

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