, pub-6794000729485556, DIRECT,, pub-6794000729485556, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE CHISLEHURST MURDER MYSTERY: THE CHISLEHURST MURDERS PART 25


HOLMES SHERLOCK MURDERS The bartender dragged the wizened old skeleton like body out into the night, leaving it for the imps to take home. They swooped on it muttering words of hate and revenge. Effortlessly lifting it. They disappeared into the dark woods. Soon after a fire burned intensely and a strange mourning sound chattered on, slowly growing into a wailing which sounded more a ritual expectation rather than genuine outward pouring of loss. They all hate him. Said Maria watching my expression of a raised brow. All terrified of him there is no no love lost there. It's terribly draughty in here. She shivered. I quite admired her stiff upper lip because I could see the enormous pain in her eyes and wondered how she had managed to survive such an upbringing. She must have a good degree of wit and intellectual capacity I summised admiring her. We shall leave in the morning. I spoke softly. The police will be here soon so I'm sure we'll be safe for tonight. She nodded taking Watson's outstretched hand and going up to her room. I despite my tiredness could not possibly rest. My adrenalin was flowing now. I felt compelled to face the fearful night once more and had an excellent idea for disguise.

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HOLMES SHERLOCK MURDERS Are you alright old boy? Asked Watson after literally breezing into the room and casting off his wet cloak into the...