, pub-6794000729485556, DIRECT,, pub-6794000729485556, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE CHISLEHURST MURDER MYSTERY: CHISLEHURST MURDERS PART 27


HOLMES SHERLOCK MURDERS A scream rang out in the early hours of the morning whilst it was yet still dark waking Watson from his deep and satisfying slumber. Forcing himself to get out of the warm and cosy bed to go to the window. Seeing nothing He went to Sherlock`s room, entering without knocking and was surprised to see Him still up writing his journal. Did you hear it? The scream! Probably a Fox, said Sherlock without looking up. Have you checked on Maria? No she's in her room I'm sure it came from outside. Go and check. She wasn't in her room it was empty and the fine silk curtains ruffled and swayed from the cold breeze that blew through the open window. They've taken her Holmes. Panic began to arise shaking his voice just a little. Have they indeed my Dear Watson, or has she climbed out the window of her own accord. I fear that this young woman has an agenda and is not whom she seems. Watson became quite flustered. Holmes still did not look up from his work. Don't fret John. He said seeing his distress. When is a scream not a scream? What on Earth do you mean Sherlock? A scream is not a scream when it's a tribal cry. Holmes smiled knowingly and Watson breathed a sigh of relief for Holmes had never been wrong. But why has she gone back there? He asked reaching for the Brandy. Do you want one? He pored two shots anyway without awaiting an answer. The Crystal chinking delightfully now he knew she would be alright. Holmes put down his quill pen not an moonlit in sight he was so precise. It's elementary my Dear Watson, she has gone to collect something. Something very important. He took the glass offered him and leaned back into the plush soft leather chair to sip before uttering the shocking and quite disturbing news that Maria would automatically inherit pack leadership much to Watson's utter amazement. It secretly thrilled Holmes to give Watson a shock as it was not an easy task. He smiled, inwardly quite smug.

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HOLMES SHERLOCK MURDERS Are you alright old boy? Asked Watson after literally breezing into the room and casting off his wet cloak into the...